Can Nurses Accept Tips or Not?

Can nurses accept tips

There are some misconceptions about nurses accepting tips. It is an advantage for a patient to offer a tip to a nurse.

Can nurses accept tips?

Nurses can accept tips in most cases from grateful and appreciative patients.

However, the relationship between the patient and nurses should be built on honesty, integrity, and trust instead of money.

Tips should not dominate the relationship between nurses and patients.

Nurses should be aware of the fact that accepting a tip from patients could be considered bribery.

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Can nurses accept tips or money

Can nurses accept money from patients?

There are ethical and legal issues about this topic.

Nurses can accept money from patients in special cases.

It is not appropriate for nurses to ask for tips or money from patients except in very specific situations.

It is customary to place coins into a box or tray in some hospitals even though this act cannot be defined as tipping.

There are also policies and rules about accepting tips at different facilities.

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Hospitals and nursing homes have specific policies that are different from laws.

Nurses have to follow the policies of these facilities even if they don’t agree with them.

An establishment can decide whether tips should be accepted or not. The services a nurse provides to patients will determine if tips should be accepted or not.

The following is an example of policies and guidelines regarding tips:

Nurses have to decide whether to accept tips – it is not optional. Nurses must be aware of the policies and rules regarding tips at their hospital or nursing facility.

Nurses should find out if there are written policies about this topic.

If a policy exists, then all staff should be trained about that policy.

It is highly unethical for other personnel to inform the patient about tipping or offering money to nurses.

See also: Ethical Principles in Nursing

The administration of nursing facilities should provide clear and consistent rules regarding tips, presents, and favors given by patients.

In case you want to take a tip for your extra hard work, try to get approval from your management personnel.

The director of the nursing facility can decide on accepting tips based on their policies and guidelines.

Nurses can accept small and reasonable amounts of money from patients as a reward for their good service.

The amount offered by a patient should not exceed any legal limits imposed in your state.

It is also possible to accept a tip if it is given by a patient with no funds and an agreement on how much the nurse will be paid in advance.

If you are a parent, you can pay your child’s nurse in cash without having to worry about legal implications.

The gift or money should not dictate how a nurse performs his job.

A patient’s non-compliance with medical advice, even after being informed about it, can influence a nurse to accept money and give up on persuading the patient to proper treatment.

If you are working at a hospital that allows nurses to accept tips then you should be aware of the following guidelines:

Nurses cannot refuse tips even if they don’t like them or think they will be dishonest.

If a patient wants to leave a tip it is up to the nurse to decide whether to take it or not.

There are some instances when a patient wants to give a tip but the nurse does not.

In this situation, the nurse should politely refuse to accept money from patients. Nurses can also ask a patient to give money to all of them instead of giving tips individually.


Nurses should avoid accepting tips if they feel uncomfortable or afraid of any consequences that may follow.

Nurses should also refuse tips if there is an issue with their own professional judgment and ethics.

Nurses must be honest, and respectful and should avoid any kind of abuse by patients.

It is important to train and inform nurses about these issues before they start working as a nurse.

If you are unfortunate enough to receive tips from patients and you do not feel comfortable then it’s better for you to politely refuse them.

The patient should not use the money to buy the nurse’s trust and confidence.

Why can’t nurses accept tips?

Nurses should not accept tips directly because they are primary caregivers.

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Patients or their families may feel obliged to give a tip representing their gratitude, which can be demeaning for patients and nurses.

Also if the relationships between the staff and patients are money-oriented it will lower mutual respect and trust. A patient may receive better services if he/she pays more.

This is not fair to all the patients because they will be perceived as paying for additional care or attention.

The provider-patient relationship involves trust, and accepting tips can lower mutual respect between them.

By taking tips, nurses may feel tempted to perform their tasks with lesser effort. This is because the tip will be dependent on whether a person likes the service or not.

The significant trust relationship between nurses and patients could also be affected if they are paid for their services.

Relationships should not be based on monetary gains but on genuine care and concern for patients.

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Accepting tips may make patients feel that they are being overcharged.

This is because nurses may be tempted to perform their job with a lesser effort to receive payment for their services.

Nurses should not accept tips if they can provide good quality services without any incentive.

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Conclusion: Can nurses accept tips or money?

The implementation of laws, rules, and regulations regarding acceptable tipping practices varies from facility to facility depending on the nursing environment.

Nurses can accept tips from their patients in certain situations.

Nurses can still be good nurses even if they receive money from their patients.

However, these gifts should not impair them from doing what is best and right for a patient even when they are unable to pay for their services.

It is a better policy to avoid accepting tips altogether.

Instead, nurses and patients should build relationships built on mutual respect, honesty, and integrity rather than money or gifts.

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About Ida Koivisto, BSN, RN, PHN

Ida is both a registered nurse and public health nurse. Her passion is to provide as much valuable information about nursing to the world as possible. In her spare time from work and blogging, Ida loves to work out at the gym and spend time with relatives.