Greatest Accomplishment Nursing Interview

Greatest accomplishment nursing interview

When attending a nursing interview, one of the questions that may be asked is about your greatest accomplishment as a nurse. This can be a difficult question to answer, but it is important to have a well-thought-out response.

Many things can be considered a nurse’s greatest accomplishment.

Some may be proud of the fact that they have never had a patient complaint, while others may feel that their greatest accomplishment is helping a patient through a difficult time.

Whatever your greatest accomplishment may be, it is important to be able to share it in a way that demonstrates your passion for nursing and your dedication to your patients.

What is the objective of the greatest accomplishment nursing interview question?

When the interviewer asks this question, they are trying to achieve the following:

1. Get a sense of the candidate’s nursing skills and experience

When the interviewer asks you this question, they want to know what you are most proud of as a nurse.

They will be looking at your response to see if you have the skills and experience necessary to do the job.

2. Assess the candidate’s passion for nursing

The interviewer wants to know how passionate you are about nursing.

They will be looking for clues in your answer that show how much you care about your patients and your work.

Depending on your answer, they may also decide that you are a good fit for the organization.

3. Determine the candidate’s dedication to their patients

The interviewer wants to know how dedicated you are to your patients.

They will be looking for clues in your answer that show how much you care about your patients.

Your response will therefore be an important factor in the hiring decision.

4. Acceptance of the smallest wins

The interviewer is looking for a sense of perspective.

Nurses are often responsible for the lives of their patients and, as such, even the smallest accomplishments can feel like a great victory.

The interviewer wants to know if you can see the bigger picture and appreciate the work that you do, even when things don’t go as planned.

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Achievements in a nursing career

Example Answers to Greatest Accomplishment Nursing Interview Question

Now that you know the objective of the question, it is time to come up with a response.

When preparing your response make sure to buy a thing or two from the following examples:

What is your greatest professional achievement as a nurse? Example answer 1

I am most proud of my work in the emergency room.

I have had many patients come to me in critical conditions and been able to stabilize them and get them the care they need.

I know that I have made a difference in their lives and that is something that I am very proud of.

As you can see from the response, this candidate is proud of their work in the emergency room.

See also: ER Nurse Interview Questions

They can talk about their accomplishments and share how they have made a difference in the lives of their patients.

This is a good answer that demonstrates the candidate’s skills and experience.

Example answer 2

I am most proud of the fact that I have never had a patient complaint.

My passion for nursing is what drives me to do my best every day and I know that I can provide the best care possible for my patients.

I’m also able to relate and communicate with my patients which build trust and helps to make their stay more comfortable.

This answer demonstrates the candidate’s passion for nursing.

They are proud to have not received a complaint from patients, which is a sign of good care.

See also: Camp Nurse Interview Questions

Example answer 3

I would say my greatest accomplishment is when I was able to save a patient’s life.

3 years ago while working on the night shift, I had a patient who was brought in with no pulse and wasn’t breathing.

After CPR and using the defibrillator, I was able to revive her.

It was a very intense moment and I am just glad that I was able to help.

To date, the patient still sends me cards and letters thanking me for saving her life.

This answer demonstrates the candidate’s dedication to their patients.

They can share a story about a time when they were able to save a patient’s life.

This is an impressive accomplishment that will show the interviewer that you have the experience, knowledge, and skills required for the job.

See also: Nursing Conflict Scenario Examples Interview

Example answer 4

Even though I haven’t been a nurse for very long, I have been able to achieve a lot in a short time.

I was recently promoted to charge nurse and I was able to do that by leading my team by example.

See also: Charge Nurse Interview Questions

I am always willing to go the extra mile for my patients and I know that I can provide them with the best possible care.

I am also constantly looking for ways to improve my skills so that I can be the best nurse possible.

This response shows that the candidate is ambitious and is always looking to improve their skills.

They can lead by example and are dedicated to providing the best possible care for their patients.

This has in the past helped them secure a promotion.

See also: Nursing Scenario Interview Questions

Example answer 5

My greatest accomplishment as a nurse was when I was able to start a nurse’s aids training program for the hospital.

I knew that there was a need for more nurse’s aides in the hospital and I wanted to do something about it.

With the help of some of my colleagues, I was able to put together a training program that is now used by the hospital.

It was a lot of work but it was worth it in the end.

This answer demonstrates the candidate’s potential for innovation.

They can think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems.

This is an impressive accomplishment that can show the interviewer that you have the potential to be a great nurse leader.

See also: Nurse Leadership Interview Questions

How to Answer About Achievements in a Nursing Career?

You now have an idea of how to draft your response based on the example answers given above.

However, the sample answers are not enough, there are other tips and considerations that you should take into account.

1. Tailor your answer to the specific job you are applying for

When answering this question, it is important to tailor your answer to the specific job you are applying for.

For example, if you are applying for a leadership position, then your answer should focus on your leadership skills and accomplishments.

If you are applying for a position in a critical care unit, then your answer should focus on accomplishments in critical care nursing.

See also: Why ICU Nursing Interview Question

2. Frame your answer in terms of the hospital’s values

When responding to this question, it is important to frame your answer in terms of the hospital’s values.

For example, if the hospital values patient safety, then you should focus on your accomplishments in patient safety.

This will show the interviewer that you are a good fit for the hospital’s values.

3. Highlight your accomplishments in a positive light

When answering this question, it is important to highlight your accomplishments in a positive light.

For example, you should avoid talking about any mistakes you have made as a nurse.

See also: Tell Me About a Time You Failed Nursing Interview

Instead, focus on your accomplishments and how they have helped the hospital achieve its goals.

See also: SMART Goals for Nursing

4. Stay positive and humble

No matter how great your accomplishments are, it is important to stay positive and humble when talking about them.

For example, you should avoid coming across as arrogant or boastful.

Instead, be humble and thank the interviewer for their time.

5. Consider using a nursing portfolio

If you have a nursing portfolio, then you should consider using it to highlight your accomplishments as a nurse.

A nursing portfolio can be a great way to showcase your skills and accomplishments.

It can also help you stand out from the competition.

Here is a great video about the nursing portfolio and how to make one stand out.

Video made by: Nurse Blake

6. Utilize the STAR technique

When talking about your accomplishments, it is important to use the STAR technique.

This stands for:

  • Situation,
  • Task,
  • Action,
  • and Result.

This will help you to provide a clear and concise overview of your accomplishment.

7. Use your response as a way to sell yourself

Your response to this question can be used as a way to sell yourself to the interviewer.

For example, you can point out how your accomplishments were handy in achieving the hospital’s goals.

You can also highlight how your skills and abilities will make you a valuable member of the team.

8. Practice your answer

It is important to practice your answer before you go to the interview.

Answering the greatest accomplishment question can be tricky, so it is important to practice your answer so that you can sound confident when talking about it.

See also: How to Prep for Nursing Interview?

Nursing Interview: Best Work Achievements

The greatest accomplishment question is a common interview question that nurses are often asked.

When answering this question, it is important to focus on your accomplishments as a nurse.

You should tailor your answer to the specific job you are applying for and frame it in terms of the hospital’s values.

You should also stay positive and humble when talking about your accomplishments.

Finally, it is important to practice your answer before the interview.

Good luck with your upcoming nursing interview!

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About Ida Koivisto, BSN, RN, PHN

Ida is both a registered nurse and public health nurse. Her passion is to provide as much valuable information about nursing to the world as possible. In her spare time from work and blogging, Ida loves to work out at the gym and spend time with relatives.