Where Do Registered Nurses Work?

Where do registered nurses work

In this blog article, I am going to tell you where registered nurses can work. I also tell you about my own internship places where I have been.

In internships, knowledge, and skills increase and they are part of the studies. A registered nurse has many many different job opportunities.

But now let’s go straight to the point on where do registered nurses work.

If you are interested to study to be a registered nurse you should check this article of ours:

In that article, I will tell you how to become a registered nurse.

Otherwise, let’s keep going on where do registered nurses work.

I think it is important that the work is enjoyable. That’s why it is important to find a job that is enjoyable and interesting.

As a registered nurse, you have the option to choose from many options where you want to work.

I think that internships are a great way to find your own ”thing”. By own thing, I mean my own enjoyable work.

Next, I can tell you my own work internships place from first to last.

  • The ward of the health center
  • Internal medicine ward
  • Housing unit for mental health rehabilitation
  • Pediatric ward
  • Home nursing
  • At a school with a public health nurse/ school nurse
  • Student health care
  • Again at a school
  • Occupational health services
  • Maternity and child health clinic.

As you can see so there are a lot of work internships.

But I think that’s a good thing! In internships, you will learn best. And maybe you will get a future job from the work internship.

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Then let’s go to the next chapter where I will tell you more about where do registered nurses work.

Where can registered nurses work?

Where can registered nurses work

Like I told you there are many different places where a registered nurse can work. Registered nurses work in a variety of healthcare settings both public and private healthcare.

Registered nurses can work in the following places:

At the hospitals. At the hospital are many different places where registered nurses can work.

The place at hospitals can be an intensive care unit, emergency room, laboratories, the different wards that hospitals have for example the Department of Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, etc.

See also: Oncology Nurse Interview Questions

Then nursing homes and hospices are also placed where registered nurses can work. Specialized doctor offices registered nurses can work and also at community centers.

Then registered nurses can work in the armed forces.

Then psychiatric care facilities are also possible. Also, registered nurses can work at a research center among other health care settings.

As you can see there are really many places!

A registered nurse may specialize in a particular field that interests her/his most.

For example, registered nurses can specialize in operating room nurses, acute nursing, internal medicine nursing, pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing.

With specialization, knowledge will grow.

With specialization, registered nurses can, for example, be trauma nurses, emergency room nurses, psychiatric nurses, geriatric nurses, cardiac nurses, holistic nurses, etc. There are really a lot of potential job places for registered nurses.

The most important thing is to find your own ”thing” that allows you to specialize in it.

It is also important to remember that you can always study more and specialize in something else, for example, if the work starts to stutter or you no longer like it.

Or you can study health sciences at university, for example, if you have the opportunity to do that.

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At this point, you should have a clear image of where do registered nurses work.

But what if you don’t want to work at a hospital? That’s coming up next.

Where can registered nurses work besides hospitals?

Where do registered nurses work besides hospitals

In the previous chapter, we already covered this but many people really think that a registered nurse cannot work outside of a hospital.

But that is wrong because they can.

Next, I will tell you places where registered nurses can work besides hospitals.

Registered nurses can work in nursing homes. That’s when you move into customer’s homes.

Then like I said registered nurses can work in the armed forces. Then also in different service homes, registered nurses can work.

Specialized doctor offices are also placed where registered nurses can work.

Then different hospices can also be registered nurse’s job places.

Then, in occupational health care and mental health and drug rehabilitation units. Then there are also administrative tasks.

As you can see registered nurses has many different places where she/he can work besides hospitals.

There are so many places, the list is endless.

Where do registered nurses work? FAQ

Here are the most frequently asked questions related to where do registered nurses work.

Can registered nurses work in a doctor’s office?

According to this article, registered nurses can work in a doctor’s office.

Most doctor’s offices have a nurse on staff to help check patients. The nurse charts the patient’s vitals and organizes the paperwork before the doctor sees the patient.

The nurse’s job also includes giving medications or injections prescribed by a doctor. Tasks also include taking samples, such as a blood sample.

So the answer to the question can registered nurses work in a doctor’s office is: “Yes, registered nurses can”.

Can registered nurses work as healthcare assistants?

According to this article registered nurses can work as healthcare assistants, but there are no set entry requirements to become a healthcare assistant.

”Healthcare assistants (HCAs) work in a hospital or community settings, such as GP surgeries, under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.”

Employers can expect from you good literacy and numeracy. And employers may expect you to have some experience in healthcare or care work.

Can registered nurses work from home?

It depends on what your work is. Most of the registered nurse’s work is such that it cannot be done at home. But telephone triage nurses can work from home.

If you are more interested in telephone triage nurses, please check out this article of ours: Telephone Triage Nurse. In that article, I will tell you more about a telephone triage nurse.

Also, the administrative registered nurse can do work from home.

Conclusion: Where do registered nurses work?

Where can registered nurses work besides hospitals

As I said registered nurses have many job opportunities. The question is just what interests you the most and what you want to do. Then you go to work where you want and work in front of it.

Registered nurses can work in the public and private sectors. Most registered nurse’s jobs are certainly in hospitals but it is good to remember that there is also work a lot of jobs outside the hospital.

Now you know all about where do registered nurses work. If you would like to learn some more check out these articles of ours:

Thank you for reading this!

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About Ida Koivisto, BSN, RN, PHN

Ida is both a registered nurse and public health nurse. Her passion is to provide as much valuable information about nursing to the world as possible. In her spare time from work and blogging, Ida loves to work out at the gym and spend time with relatives.