5 Best Registered Nurse Interview Questions

Registered nurse interview questions

Being a registered nurse entails a special kind of ability. Most of the time, you are handling patients that are at the worst part of their lives.

You need determination, perseverance, resilience, attention to detail, and a healthy mind.

Axiomatically, being a nurse is one of the most pleasing and satisfying careers. Just like any other profession, it is always rewarding when you know that you are helping others.

In this article, we’re going to give you the 5 common registered nurse interview questions and answers. On top of that, at the end of this article, we’re going to let you know how to prepare for RN interview.

For most people, has scheduled a meeting with the admissions board for an interview is nail-biting and nerve-racking.

The reason is that the panel will be the one who will determine and decide how your future is going to be.

There is a chance you will get hired, but there is also a chance that you will not.

That’s the primary reason why most of the candidates will stress out.

In a nursing interview, you will be asked about the questions that will unveil your skills, abilities, and competencies in regards to caring and interacting with patients.

Since you are equipped with training, skills, and experience, use that for better response.

Every word you enunciate is important, you need to communicate your ability to preserve the best quality of safekeeping to your patients.

In the year 2017, there were about 56,000 students who averted in nursing school.

Indeed, speaking and standing in front of the panel is not that easy, but this should not restrain you from ace the job interview nor freak out.

You just need to be fully prepared to surmount the challenge of registered nurse interview questions.

In the course of becoming a registered nurse, since it constitutes a huge responsibility of taking care of the patients, it is always crucial to choose the right person therein.

Luckily, we’re here to assist! We will present the exact types of questions that registered nurses can be asked during the interview.

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Interview questions for registered nurses

Interview Questions for Registered Nurses

1. What is your drive in pursuing a nursing career?

In every job interview, you will always be asked how passionate you are in pursuing the career that you have chosen.

The registered nurse interview questions will not just ask you about how willing you are to help the people, but it also tests your dedication, inspiration, and motivation.

See also: Interview Questions for Nurses

A common answer is “I want to help and assist people”.

This is not going to work and it is generic and cliche.

Other than that, there are plenty of ways that we can help other people, thus it does not show why you are competent to become a registered nurse.

Hence, your answer should be professional and unique enough to demonstrate your passion for pursuing the nursing profession.

If you are pursuing this profession because you want to sustain your family or it is your childhood dream, then talk about it!

If you want to apply your passion to wellness and health, tell them!

You need to keep your response as personal as it can and avoid sounding common and generic.

It will radically increase your chance of nailing the registered nurse interview questions.

Example answer

I had a family member that was ill a few years ago. I admired the fact that nurses always treated their patients with empathy and gentle care when they attended to my family during their stay.

Other than wanting to help more of my family members, I have also decided to become a nurse because I love to do what they are doing.

See also:

2. Have you ever failed or struggled in nursing class? How did you cope up with it?

Struggles in every course are inevitable, and nursing is one of them as learning is expeditiously fast.

As a result, a lot of students will be left behind.

The panel is aware of this as they were once in your situation. Thus, they want to know how you surmount all the challenges in nursing courses.

Example answer

We do not grow when something is not difficult, we grow when it is. In every difficulty that I faced in the course, I will use a lot of steps to deal with it.

Aside from dedicating all my time to study the subject, I will also initiate study groups with my tutors and friends. I will also ask my professors about what their recommendations are, ask for references of study materials, and discuss.

Furthermore, I will check my past quizzes, activities, assignments, and exams as a resource.

We learn from our mistakes, thus, I will gather all the questions that I was not able to answer correctly, search for the correct answer until I will make it right.

If there is something that I do not understand, I will reach out to my professor directly.

See also: Travel Nurse Interview Questions

3. If you have a patient that is or are your family members that need to be treated but they are verbally unfriendly and harsh, how would you deal with it?

In interview questions for a registered nurse, this is always present. It is one of their ways to determine your competencies and skills in handling a difficult situation.

When a person is medically and clinically ill, their stress levels increase.

Thus, this is quite scary to handle most of the time.

Hence, interviewers will try to check how you keep your focus and calmness under pressure albeit you are treating a hostile person.

Example answer

First, I will acknowledge and listen to what the patient is expressing. By actively listening to them, I will put myself in their shoes for me to fully understand their situation based on their perspective.

After that, I will summarize everything and reiterate to them what has been told, and ask questions if needed. By doing this, it would allow me to gather salient insights on how to calm their minds.

After identifying their problem, I will choose the best course of action to reduce the suffering that they are experiencing.

However, if the patient becomes aggressive, I would seek assistance on the hospital’s protocols that are designed for the safety of everyone.

See also: School Nurse Interview Questions

4. How do you deal with stress at work?

Stress in every workplace is inevitable, you can never find any kind of work that doesn’t have any stress.

This question should show your clear explanation of how you can continue to deliver a good quality of service despite the tremendous stress in your workplace.

Remember, do not give them a generic type of answer.

You need to be personal because this is all about you.

I have been through a lot of stress during my nurse training and being a speaker in certain seminars. As stress is always present in everything, I have developed some habits to cope up with it.

I have discovered that going into a gym for a workout and watching Netflix reduces my stress.

Thus, whenever I am stressed, I always think that those things are not permanent. At the end of the day, I can always pamper myself so I can function better in everything.

See also: ER Nurse Interview Questions

5. How do you manage a busy workload?

In responding to this question, you need to emphasize your dedication to handle patients during any kind of difficult circumstances.

You can provide them an instance when you have managed to complete all the tasks without violating the necessary protocols and procedures.

There was a time when we were short-staffed every weekend and eventually the number of patients increased than usual.

I was really worried because I was thinking that we might not meet our goal at the end of the day. To help the team, I began to extend my shift to help all my co-workers to handle the busy workload.

By doing this, I was able to encourage my other co-workers to do the same.

As a result, we were able to take care of and finish all of the tasks.

Now that you are aware of the most common registered nurse interview questions, let’s move on to how to prepare for RN interview.

See also: Oncology Nurse Interview Questions

How to Prepare for RN Interview?

1. Be familiar with the route where you are going

You cannot afford to get lost a few minutes before the interview.

Your time is valuable.

Healthcare facilities are confusing and big, you need to take time to know the route.

2. Dress appropriately

First impressions are important.

Professional attire will show the panel how serious you are about the job.

See also: Interventional Radiology Nurse Interview Questions

3. Practice beforehand

Knowing the interview questions is never enough.

You need to rehearse and practice them by yourself until you make everything accurately.

See also: Utilization Review Nurse Interview Questions

4. Get enough sleep

You need to condition yourself before your big day.

Sleep well, eat healthy, exercise, and hydrate yourself to have an active mind on the interview.

See also: Home Health Nurse Interview Questions

5. Take notes

You need to take notes on a piece of paper during the interview because this will help you remember all the important details thereof.

Moreover, it shows the panel that you care for everything that they enunciate.

See also: Endoscopy Nurse Interview Questions

What to Bring to an RN Interview?

Aside from your preparation, don’t forget to bring all the necessary documents.

Gather them in each folder for the reference of each interviewer.

  • Resume
  • Nursing license and certifications
  • Letters of reference
  • Business card with a picture

See also: When to Renew Nursing License?

Conclusion: Registered Nurse Interview Questions

Indeed, registered nurse interview questions are scary. However, it is also exciting.

You just need to fully prepare, be organized, and trust yourself.

For as long as you are alive, everything is possible.

See also: CRNA Interview Questions

Do not ever forget that you are amazing, excellent, and strong. Your strong drive to pursue the profession of nursing will help you fulfill your dreams.

You are preparing to fail if you are failing to prepare. You must remember that in every course of action that you will conquer, whether it is easy or not, you need to prepare.

Always think of your purpose in achieving this profession, and that will motivate you to take on every challenge in the job interview.

We really hope that these registered nurse interview questions and answers help you to get that job you’ve always wanted.

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About Ida Koivisto, BSN, RN, PHN

Ida is both a registered nurse and public health nurse. Her passion is to provide as much valuable information about nursing to the world as possible. In her spare time from work and blogging, Ida loves to work out at the gym and spend time with relatives.