Nursing Care Plan for Fever – Full Guide

Nursing care plan for fever

Fever is an increase of more than 1 °F Fahrenheit (or 0.6 °C Celsius) above the normal temperature of 97.7 °F Fahrenheit (or 36.5 °C Celsius).

The reason for fever varies depending on if it came on suddenly, incrementally, or with other symptoms, but can be identified by elevated body temperature and feeling cold to the touch.

A nursing care plan for fever will be created in order to help prevent fever, if possible, and to treat it when needed.

Fever characteristics:

Symptoms of fever typically include feeling cold to the touch, sweating, shaking chills, feeling hot, and flushed skin. Very high fevers can cause confusion or other changes in mental status.


Since fever is caused by an increase in body temperature, it is possible to prevent fever by lowering or maintaining the temperature with cold compresses and medication.

Taking baths, drinking liquids that are not sources of caffeine or alcohol, covering skin when out in the sun, and staying hydrated can all help prevent fever.


Fever can be treated by taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

These medications may cause side effects such as upset stomach, vomiting, and constipation so it is important to take these with food and follow the instructions carefully.

See also: Nursing Care Plan for Constipation

If symptoms worsen or don’t go away after 24 hours then a doctor should be contacted.

Alternative treatments:

Cold compresses, sponging with cool water, and allowing the person to drink fluids are important parts of preventing a fever.

Also, if symptoms worsen or don’t go away after 24 hours then a doctor should be contacted.

Based on the above, a nursing care plan for fever includes prevention of the condition, treating symptoms if they occur, and providing supportive care for the individual.

When caring for a patient with a fever, nurses should always provide supportive care for the individual.

This includes ensuring that the person is comfortable and helping them to stay hydrated.

Nurses need to keep records of body temperature levels, what medications are being used, how often they are being given, and whether or not there have been any adverse effects.

Nurses should also limit unnecessary exposure to people with fever and make sure the person is covered when outside in order to prevent worsening of symptoms.

Here is a quick video for you about the nursing care plan for fever/hyperthermia if you rather consume content in a video format.

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Nursing care plan for fever/hyperthermia

Nursing care plan hyperthermia/fever

Hyperthermia is a condition of increased body temperature which can lead to many other problems. The body’s normal core temperature is around 37 °C (98.6 °F).

Any increase or decrease from this number can cause issues such as hyperthermia and hypothermia, respectively.

A nursing care plan for hyperthermia/fever will include prevention, early detection and reporting of symptoms, immediate cooling of the person’s skin, and providing supportive care for the individual through to recovery.


Preventing fever often includes staying hydrated, limiting unnecessary exposure to hot outside temperatures, covering exposed skin with clothing or sunscreen, taking baths on a regular basis, drinking water regularly, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and reporting the first signs of fever to a doctor.

Early detection and reporting of symptoms:

The first sign of hyperthermia is feeling excessively hot or cold to the touch.

The person may also complain that their skin hurts or have flushed skin. As the condition worsens, the person can become confused or agitated and may have seizures.

Severe hyperthermia is deadly if not treated quickly which makes it important to recognize the symptoms early on.

Immediate cooling of skin:

The next nursing care plan step in treating hyperthermia/fever is to immediately cool the skin with water and fans, but avoid cold packs and ice as they can cause further problems.

It is important to note that fever is a natural process by which the body fights off infections, so attempting to cool the skin too much may have negative effects on the patient’s health.

Providing supportive care for the individual:

A patient with hyperthermia will need to stay within a temperature-controlled room and should avoid being exposed to the sun.

People with hyperthermia are also at risk for dehydration, so nurses should encourage them to drink fluids regularly even if they do not feel thirsty.

They may also need to be monitored for seizures or other complications related to increased body temperature levels.

Without supportive care, hyperthermia can cause other complications such as shock, organ failure, and even death.

See also: Can Nurses Pronounce Death?

Nursing diagnosis for fever and vomiting

When a patient has fever and vomiting, a nursing care plan should be created to prevent the worsening of symptoms and provide support for the individual.

Proper diagnosis is an essential first step for this plan.

Nursing diagnoses:

  • Risk for injury: If a person cannot move themselves to a cool area and is feeling weak, they are at risk for injury from falling down.
  • Deficient fluid volume: While the body is fighting off an infection, it can easily become dehydrated. This means that there is a low fluid level in their bloodstream.
  • Impaired skin integrity: The person will feel itchy and may develop a rash. These symptoms can be managed and prevented with appropriate and regular care of the skin.
  • Risk for infection: Fever itself is caused by an increase in white blood cells which fight against infection. If the fever continues or worsens, there is an increased chance of an internal infection.

With the diagnosis, a nursing care plan can be created and implemented.

Nursing care plan for fever related to infection

While a fever can be a sign of an infection, it can also be caused by other factors such as medications, stress, or another underlying health condition.

It is important to provide support and monitor symptoms for improvement.

  • When the patient first arrives at the nurse’s station, prompt assessment should be done to determine what stage the fever might be in and the cause.
  • Next, taking vitals and weight can provide supporting data for a diagnosis.
  • The nurse should keep the patient comfortable by helping them find a cool area of their room and keeping them hydrated with fluids.
  • It is important to monitor symptoms for worsening or improvement.
  • It is important to monitor for signs of infection, such as a fever that persists after the common cold has ended. If this occurs, taking vitals and checking for other symptoms can help with diagnosis and treatment options.

Nursing care plan:

  • Promptly assess the current state of patients when they arrive at the nurse’s station.
  • Take vitals and weight to gather supporting data.
  • Keep patients comfortable by finding them a cool area in their room and encouraging fluids.
  • Monitor symptoms for worsening or improvement over time.
  • Monitor for signs of infection, such as fever persisting after the common cold has ended.

This nursing care plan is appropriate for patients with a fever related to infection.

Nursing care plan for dengue fever

Dengue fever is an infectious disease caused by the dengue fever virus.

The infection causes flu-like symptoms and is transmitted through bites from infected mosquitos.

A nursing care plan should be implemented to prevent the worsening of symptoms and to provide supportive care.

When implementing this plan, it is important to have support from healthcare providers, family members, or friends.

Nurses should also encourage the patient to eat regularly, even if they are not hungry.

As well as helping them manage their conditions at home by providing medication and teaching them how to prevent mosquito bites.

Nursing diagnosis for dengue fever:

  • Imbalanced body temperature: The patient might feel hot and cold at the same time or alternate between them. This can lead to confusion and difficulty concentrating.
  • Potential for injury: If a patient’s headache is so strong that they cannot think straight, they are at risk of injuring themselves from bumping into things or falling down.
  • Deficient fluid volume: Collapse or fainting can occur if the patient does not have enough fluids in circulation.
  • Impaired skin integrity: This can be caused by scratching at the rash, which may cause an open wound.

Nursing care plan for dengue fever:

When providing supportive nursing care for dengue fever, it is important to select interventions that will prevent the worsening of the patient’s condition and keep them safe.

First, nurses should assess the patient’s current status and what they need.

This can be done by asking about their symptoms as well as looking at vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure for clues as to the severity of their condition.

Based on these findings, a care plan can be implemented that will keep them comfortable and encourage fluids to fight dehydration.

Temperature-taking should be done frequently since fever is an indicator of infection and might indicate worsening of symptoms.

Since this patient’s condition is caused by mosquitos, it is important to teach them how to protect themselves and what to look for in case of new symptoms.

The nurse’s attitude towards patients with dengue fever plays an important role in keeping them comfortable and preventing their condition from deteriorating.

Nurses can help reinforce patient coping strategies by providing a positive outlook on the prognosis as well as a calm, safe environment where they feel comfortable expressing themselves emotionally.

Family members or friends should be encouraged to visit the patient since social support is an important coping strategy.

While this care plan is appropriate for patients with dengue fever, it can be adjusted as necessary depending on the patient’s individual needs.

Nursing care plan for typhoid fever

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by Salmonella Typhi. Symptoms of the infection include high fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea that last for multiple days.

The patient can be at risk of dehydration due to their symptoms warranting this care plan.

Nursing diagnosis:

  • Imbalanced body temperature: Fever is an early symptom of typhoid fever and may be accompanied by chills and sweating.
  • Mobility: A patient’s mobility can be impaired if they are not able to manage their pain, leading to exhaustion.

Nursing care plan for typhoid fever:

The main goal of providing nursing care for patients with typhoid fever is to maintain a stable temperature and prevent them from becoming dehydrated.

To keep the patient’s body temperature balanced, nurses should monitor their fever and treat it promptly to avoid complications such as hypothermia.

They should also check for signs of dehydration, such as dry skin and sunken eyes, and replace fluids accordingly.

The patient should be encouraged to consume fluids, especially since the infection causes diarrhea, which may result in dehydration.

To improve mobility and manage pain levels, nurses should provide supportive care such as heat or cold packs to help with muscle aches and chest pains.

If the patient’s heart rate is above 100 beats per minute (BPM), they might be at risk of myocarditis and may require monitoring to prevent it from worsening.

Nurses should also provide a calm, safe environment to help the patient cope emotionally.

See also: Compassion in Nursing

Nursing care plan for yellow fever

Yellow fever is an acute infection caused by a virus that leads to high fever and jaundice.

Symptoms generally appear three to six days after exposure and include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and headaches.

A nursing care plan is necessary to prevent the development of jaundice.

Nursing diagnosis:

  • Risk for infection: Symptoms such as fever and fatigue suggest that the patient’s immune system is weakened, increasing their risk of complications such as pneumonia or hepatitis.

Nursing care plan for yellow fever:

The main goal when providing nursing care for a yellow fever patient is to prevent the development of jaundice.

This can be done by administering vaccines and treating other medical conditions that could potentially develop as a result of the infection.

In addition, nurses should encourage patients to consume healthy food options.

Foods with high levels of vitamin C, such as oranges and lemons, should also be recommended because they help to break down the toxins in the liver.

To prevent further complications, nurses should monitor for signs of pneumonia and hepatitis while providing a calm, safe environment to help the patient cope emotionally.

Conclusion: Nursing Care Plan for Fever

When dealing with fever patients, nurses should “reassure the patient that fever is a normal reaction to illness and is rarely dangerous”.

However, this care plan highlights the importance of assessing each fever incident individually to determine if further medical attention or nursing care is needed.

Nurses will also benefit from keeping in mind the many psychosocial support strategies to help patients cope with their condition.

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About Ida Koivisto, BSN, RN, PHN

Ida is both a registered nurse and public health nurse. Her passion is to provide as much valuable information about nursing to the world as possible. In her spare time from work and blogging, Ida loves to work out at the gym and spend time with relatives.