Can Nurses Wear Crocs or Not? Learn the Facts

Can nurses wear Crocs

Crocs are non-slippery shoes, and they provide much comfort to the feet.

Can nurses wear Crocs?

No, they can’t wear them because Crocs are banned in many medical facilities because of health and safety issues. Nursing is such a profession where people have to spend the majority of their time on their feet.

As such, it puts a lot of strain on their calves, heels, feet, hips, and back.

Hence, most nurses prefer to choose shoes that help them reduce strain and pain in their bodies.

In this article, you get an insight into wearing Crocs in hospitals and whether can nurses wear Crocs with holes or not.

Can nurses wear Crocs with holes?

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Crocs used to be popular among nurses because of their slip-resistant soles.

But, this kind of footwear is banned in many hospitals because of some issues.

Crocs with holes are even banned in almost every medical facility and healthcare unit

Several issues were raised regarding holes present on the topmost portion of the shoe and the strap on its back.

A general theory was taken view that sharp objects can go through these holes and cause significant injury to the nurses.

Also, blood or other kinds of fluids may seep in through the holes and can cause serious infection.

If the straps aren’t worn properly, severe accidents might happen while transporting patients because of the slipping of the shoes.

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But Crocs without straps are even more dangerous.

There is a lack of support on the back end of the shoe when it is worn without the straps. Imagine if you are slipping around your shoe, and you can’t move patients smoothly.

Nurses and healthcare workers need proper footwear to prevent accidents.

It is up to the hospitals to follow safety standards relating to footwear and make their employees safe.

For this reason, Crocs with or without holes are banned from almost every hospital across the world keeping in view the safety measures to be maintained in medical facilities.

Healthcare workers often think that Crocs are a great substitute for nursing clogs.

But, when it is about meeting specific standards, the Crocs fall short because of the holes in them.

Therefore, several higher authorities at medical facilities have given their concern that Crocs shouldn’t be worn in hospitals and laboratories.

Crocs without holes and straps are allowed to wear in some healthcare facilities and hospitals.

Because bodily fluids and blood spilled on the shoe result in direct contact with skin and cause infection, or sharp objects may cause injury, nurses are not allowed to wear Crocs with holes in them.

Do nurses wear Crocs?

Nurses used to wear Crocs at the healthcare units only for a limited amount of time before they were banned by the authorities because of safety concerns.

The safety alert suggested that Crocs may not provide protection against injuries arising from the falling of sharp objects.

Nurses have criticized the policy by citing that the popular shoe with its distinctive design is the only source of comfort during their 12-hour shift.

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Nurses prefer to wear Crocs because they are the best non-slip clog-like shoes. Crocs have a lot of features that make a long day on the feet less tiring and painful.

Nurses were very fond of this shoe because Crocs have all the necessary features a good nursing shoe requires.

As such, Crocs became the most loved nursing shoe around.

These shoes are very easy to wear, non-slip resistant, and provide the great comfort, support, and durability that nurses need while working in hospitals.

With these features, nurses loved to wear Crocs until the ban came along. Thousands of nurses have worn these shoes for many years across the world.

There are important things when choosing the best footwear for nurses, and Crocs seem to have fulfilled their needs.

The comfort and lightweight of the shoe is a remarkable features.

Being easy to slip in and out of the shoe is another feature. Nurses have to remain alert and act fast whenever the situation arises.

In that case, if a nurse has taken off her shoes but suddenly an emergency call came along, some amount of precious time would be wasted while wearing the shoe.

Crocs save lots of time because they can be worn in and out within seconds. And, having no laces can save extra time.

On top of that, the slip-resistant feature makes them even more favorable for nurses. Crocs allow nurses to reach faster from one floor to another without slipping.

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Do nurses wear socks with Crocs?

Do nurses wear socks with Crocs

Nurses won’t support the idea of wearing socks with Crocs because that would hide the very purpose of wearing the shoes.

When you wear socks with Crocs, there would be less ventilation.

In general, nurses have to work for about 12 hours in the hospital.

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As such, they need to get themselves relieved from their sweaty feet.

But, there are people who like to wear socks with Crocs.

So, it can be concluded that wearing socks with Crocs is purely a matter of choice and anyone can wear them if they feel comfortable.

The question of wearing socks with Crocs has been a major subject of debate for a long time.

Some nurses feel that wearing socks with Crocs makes you look dumb. Yet, some nurses put them on because they feel extra comfort.

Crocs somewhat became a fashion statement.

And, many people including nurses hold the view that wearing socks with shoes makes you look old.

Talking about its origin, Crocs were developed to be used on boats.

These shoes are slip resistant, and waterproof, and the holes present on the top help circulate air and allow water to drain out.

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When you wear socks, the whole purpose of the shoe gets ruined.

On the other hand, some people are of the opinion that anybody can wear whatever they want.

Because, that’s their feet, and they have the liberty to choose whatever suits them fine.

Nurses understand how important it is to have comfortable shoes.

Some nurses wear socks with Crocs because they feel comfortable wearing them.

So, it appears that most nurses tend to wear Crocs without socks when it is a matter of fashion and ultimate comfort, on the other side, some nurses wear socks with Crocs because they may have sweaty feet.

And, small amounts of sweat can cause damage to the shoes over time.

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Sweaty shoes are breeding grounds for fungus and bacteria.

Socks absorb sweat and keep shoes clean.

Why do nurses wear Crocs?

Why do nurses wear Crocs

Nurses tend to use Crocs as their choice of footwear for many good reasons. It is a popular trend, comfortable to wear, and easy to clean.

Although a few variants of Crocs are in use in certain medical facilities, this footwear is banned across many hospitals these days.

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Here are some reasons why nurses wear Crocs.

1. Provide support

Crocs have sturdier designs compared to boots or trainers.

Because nurses are an integral part of hospital staff, they need to carry and support patients.

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Hence, having a tough piece of footwear is of the utmost importance.

Crocs support their ankles, and feet, protect the back against strain, and keep the legs and back safe from musculoskeletal injuries.

2. Ease of cleaning

Crocs are made of rubber and all you need is a piece of wet cloth to get it cleaned. Gently scrub the surface and you have a clean pair of shoes.

And, they don’t need much time to dry.

Sometimes rough strains, say blood, on the shoes are hard to remove.

Not only it makes you look unprofessional but certain patient associates it with negative thoughts and that impacts their mental health.

3. Ventilation

Closed-off shoes make the feet of nurses sweaty. And, nurses are prone to catch fungi and bacteria because of the hospital environment.

Chances are that nurses may develop fungal infections in their feet.

On top of that, nurses feel less productive when they have sweaty feet.

4. Comfortable

Crocs are more comfortable than anyone can think about. Different kinds of boots tend to wear off after an extended period of time.

So, after some time those shoes are unbearable to wear.

Because Crocs are made of rubber, they have a rigid frame. That’s why they are so popular among nurses.

5. No laces

Although an added convenience, it prevents you from tripping around and causing serious damage while dealing with a patient’s life.

Without laces, there would be no worries about the fit of the footwear.

Crocs either fit, or it doesn’t.

There is no chance that nurses can get their feet stuck in shoes after accidentally tying a wrong knot.

See also: Can Nurses Wear Boots?

6. Durability

Crocs have extended life because they are made from rubber products.

These shoes last longer and retain color and shape compared to other footwear.

While they may cost high upfront, in the long run, Crocs provide value for money.

Conclusion: Can nurses wear Crocs?

Having the right kind of shoes that cushion, supports, and stabilize the feet is very important when you are working as a nurse.

Crocs are capable of giving the highest levels of comfort, stability, and support that the nurses need throughout the day.

But as we mentioned at the beginning of this article, many hospitals have banned the use of Crocs.

So it’s highly recommended that you find out the policy about using Crocs in your own workplace.

At this point, you should have a universal answer on whether can nurses wear Crocs or not.

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About Ida Koivisto, BSN, RN, PHN

Ida is both a registered nurse and public health nurse. Her passion is to provide as much valuable information about nursing to the world as possible. In her spare time from work and blogging, Ida loves to work out at the gym and spend time with relatives.